What is the European Flax® label?
Created by CELC (Confédération Européenne du Lin et Chanvre), the European Flax® label guarantees the origin of premium-quality flax fiber grown in Western Europe: France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Controlled by independent bodies, European Flax® certified flax preserves, enhances and safeguards European agricultural industries, its territorial origin and know-how that cannot be relocated.
Known worldwide, this certification is intended to be identified by the end consumer and covers all flax-based products.
Rules to observe
Environmental rules
Only textile products containing a minimum of 70% certified organic fibers can be certified with the GOTS label. They must be assessed and comply with a number of rules on toxicity and biodegradability.
Social rules
Processors and manufacturers in the textile industry must respect the social criteria set out in the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO). This includes decent wages, correct working hours and a strict ban on child labor.
Toxicity and biodegradability rules
All chemical materials must meet a number of environmental and toxicological criteria. Inputs such as aromatic or halogenated solvents, chlorophenol, detergents, formaldehyde, fungicides or biocides, functional nanoparticles, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their enzymes are categorically prohibited. Heavy metals and azo dyes releasing carcinogenic amino compounds are banned. Printing methods using aromatic solvents and plastisol printing methods using phthalates and PVC are prohibited. Bleaching agents must be oxygen-based, not chlorine-based. PVC, nickel and chromium are banned. Since 2014, all polyesters must be recyclable. With regard to biodegradability, all players in the supply chain must follow an environmental policy including targets and procedures aimed at minimizing waste and discharges. All packaging materials must be PVC-free. All paper and cardboard used in packaging or labels must be recyclable or FSC or PEFC certified.
Natural and organic fiber
What is a natural fiber?
A natural fiber is made from materials derived from nature: cotton, linen, hemp, wool, etc. A natural fiber is not necessarily an organic fiber. A natural fiber is not necessarily an organic fiber, as it may be subjected to chemical treatments in the manufacturing process.
What is an organic fiber?
Organic fiber is always composed of natural fiber. It is grown without insecticides, pesticides or GMOs. Compost or manure are used as organic fertilizers instead.